Announcing the publication of:

Gender and Learning in Rwanda

Edited by Shirley Randell, Hilary Yerbury, and Astrid Escrig-Pinol. Sydney, Australia, UTS e-press, 2021.

A LIVE simultaneous global book launch was held on November 15th: 2PM Eastern United States/Canada; 7PM London; 9PM Kigali AND November 16th 6AM Sydney, Australia.

The program is here.

There also will be time for discussion on how we might continue to support this program in Rwanda and similar programs around the globe.

A recording of the event is available here.

If you wish to support the master’s degree program documented in the book through support of a student scholarship fund, please go here.

This book shows how a feminist approach to education in an innovative Master's program in Gender, Culture and Development at the Kigali Institute of Education fostered a critical approach to the development of an inclusive society and supported the role of women as leaders in Rwanda. The program’s graduates also have made signficant impact beyond Rwanda. The book therefore provides insight and inspiration to those who wish to ground development and education efforts in feminist theory and practice.